Lauraine Gibson

Without a doubt the greatest benefit has been seen in nurse time savings, with staff no longer wasting time searching for keys or medicines. These time savings which have been re-directed into frontline patient care are both invaluable and rewarding for nurse and patient alike.

Lauraine Gibson, Matron ED and Discharge Lounge

Dedicate More Time for Patients

The Omnicell systems allow clinical staff to order, manage and control the usage of medicines, whilst ensuring patient safety and more time for face to face patient care.

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Your Journey to an Autonomous Pharmacy Starts Here

We're working with over 100 NHS Trusts to reduce errors, waste and workload. Contact us today to kick start your automation journey.

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Saving Nurses Time

More Time Spent with Patients

Nursing time directed back into face to face patient care, improved patient safety and a reduction in spend.