An Introduction to Medicine Collection Point Technology guide thumbnail

From planning permission to patient recruitment, our essential overview covers everything you need to know about automated prescription collection points

Pharmacy in the UK is changing. That’s nothing new. What’s new is the rate at which that change is happening and the pressure that is placing on independent contractors and multiples alike to continually adapt in order to keep pace.

The sector is being squeezed on several fronts: funding is stagnating, dispensing fees are in overall decline, income from clinical services has been slow to materialise, quotas are placing undue limitations on medicines supply, internet pharmacy is taking ever-greater market share, workloads are rising, patient demands are increasing – and that’s without mentioning the incredible difficulties pharmacies have had to overcome in order to maintain service levels during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Putting it all together, it is clear that longer-term thinking is required to build adaptability and safeguard profitability for the future.

If you’re new to the idea of prescription collection technology, or you’re not sure how it works, or just want to know how a medicine vending machine can help your pharmacy, this guide will answer your questions.

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